Well were do I start?
Well for the 4th of July we really didn't do much. We just had one of our friends come over for dinner and then we lit off fireworks. My whole family had fun.
Then July 5th we went on vacation to the old dairy state WI. My whole family and I stayed up there for 10 days and spent time with our family. Everyone came home but me and I went to visit my friends in IL. We had lots of fun. We went to the children's museum, they had some friends over and we watched some movies. After staying there for a week my two friends and I came home together and they stayed here for 5 days. We had fun just hanging out and playing games wile they were here. It was sad to say goodbye to them when they left. I was really sad and after that there was nothing to do.
Now I'm just siting at home reading and playing video games with my brother and playing with my friend that lives next door. Its nothing to thrilling. Thats all I've really been up too.....
wow megan! i was just looking at the pictures and I wouldn't recognize you if i saw you. you've changed so much! hannah too although i did kind of recongnize her.
Thanks! Your blog is nice too. Hey do you go as gymnast spotter on your blog? Just wondering! Hows your family?
-- Megan --
Cool vacation!
--- Your Ballet Freind
Thanks! I had alot of fun on it!
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